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Since we skipped spring and went straight into the beautiful whims of summertime, we must talk about those must-read, head over heels, shoot for the stars, lay in the starlight, feel the firelight, have to read kind of books! Summer is here, and that means it is time for an ultimate adventure. You know, the one you have been waiting on all winter long while the night came early and the cold bit at your face?! These are those precious moments of fresh air and vitamin D that you need to escape from the drone of everyday! So, let’s talk EPICS and ADVENTURES; let’s tell stories by the fire while we chase fairies in our dreams and capture trolls! Now is the time to seize those precious moments to treat yourself to a mesmerizing read!

monstrumologist definition

My current personal obsession comes in the form of a Monstrumologist -- a scientist devoted to studying the stuff nightmares are scared of, monsters that know the hunger of blood and yet are never satiated. This story follows after the adventures of Dr. Pellinore Warthrop and the indispensable services of a young William Henry while outlining their quests in early America to catch and document beasts that exist in legends.

He knew the truth. Yes, my dear child, he would undoubtedly tell a terrified toddler tremulously seeking succor, monsters are real. I happen to have one hanging in my basement.”Rick Yancey, The Monstrumologist

Monstrumologist artwork

This dynamic pair will leave you wondering as you share in their sadness and experience their “peculiar” relationship as colleagues. Throughout this story, as a reader, I have come to know love unattainable and fears unimaginable! Filled with blood lust, gruesome murders, and the wisp of desire, this series will surely push you on through firelight unto dawn! Allow me to tantalize you with an excerpt from The Monstrumologist, which is Book 1 in the Monstrumologist series:

“Perhaps that is our doom, our human curse, to never really know one another. We erect edifices in our minds about the flimsy framework of word and deed, mere totems of the true person, who, like the gods to whom the temples were built, remains hidden. We understand our own construct; we know our own theory; we love our own fabrication. Still . . . does the artifice of our affection make our love any less real?”Rick Yancey, The Monstrumologist

Monstrumologist artwork

Whether it be in romance or in fantasy that you find your mind’s summer quest, our hope is that you throw yourself headlong into a story and lose yourself there for adventure’s sake! Be it a good book or a handful of short stories, we encourage you to explore the depths of the real or unreal while the days linger long and warm. For the Monstrumologist and I, we have a date to the depths of despair and back! Good reading, good hunting, and great imagining!

If you would like to check out the Monstrumologist series by Rick Yancey along with me, KHCPL has copies both in print and on audio. Rick Yancey is also the author of many other books, including The Fifth Wave, so be sure to checkout his other works.                                                                                                                Monstrumologist Artwork