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Main & South
9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m
9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

*Russiaville is closed Wednesdays

Hours Today

Main & South:


Friends of the Library

  • Individual - $5
  • Family - $10
  • Lifetime - $100

The Friends of the Library is a group of citizens who have a common interest in the Library's welfare and are willing to help the Library in various ways. They believe that good library service is important in a modern community. The Friends of the Library act in cooperation with the Library Director and the Library Board of Trustees.

The Friends purposes are:

  • to maintain an association of persons interested in the Library,
  • to focus attention on library services, facilities and needs,
  • to support and cooperate with the library staff and the Board in developing library services and facilities, and
  • to stimulate gifts of books, magazines, desirable collections, endowments and bequests.

Since its beginning the Friends have purchased more that $25,000 worth of goods and services for the Library. Some major contributions have been:

  • the placement of library signs at major intersections in Howard County,
  • programs and prizes for the Summer Reading Club, and
  • planting of trees at the Russiaville Branch and Main Library.

The Friends fund their projects with money collected from semi-annual book sales and membership dues. Friends sort books and work assigned shifts during the three-day booksales. Materials sold in the sales are library discards and items donated by the public.

Anyone interested in books and the Library may join the Friends of the Library. Members have the opportunity to attend the first day of the semi-annual book sales before the general public. Memberships are available at the sales or at any Library location. Tax deductible memberships are:

  • $5 Individual
  • $10 Family
  • $25 Organization/Commercial
  • $50 Amicus Librorum
  • $100 Lifetime


Semi-annual book sales are held by the Friends of the Library at KHCPL Main, 220 N Union St, Kokomo. Volunteers are always welcome to work before and during the book sales.

If you would like to help out, please contact Faith Brautigam at the library, 626-0825, during business hours.

Most items are sold at these prices:

  • Adult small paperbacks : $.50
  • Adult books : $1.00
  • Audio Books : $1.00
  • Children's and YA books : $.50
  • CDs, DVDs, Videos, LPs : $1.00
  • Condensed Reader's Digest : Free
  • Magazines : Free
  • Popular best sellers & older editions are specially priced from $1.00 and up.