Outreach Programs

This program serves those physically unable to come to the library. Deliveries are made by staff and volunteers on a monthly basis, and up to 50 items may be checked out per month. Materials that can be checked out include books, audiobooks on CD, music CDs, magazines, Blu-Rays and DVDs. There are no fines if items are returned without damage. To sign up for Library-at-Home, contact the Senior Service Coordinator at 765-626-0858. The Senior Service Coordinator will visit your home to verify eligibility, as well as gather information on the type of materials you would like to receive.
Senior Services
We offer a collections service to senior citizen residential centers in the library's taxing district, such as nursing homes, retirement centers and hospital extended care. Collections of up to 100 items of library materials are delivered once a month.
Contact the Senior Service Coordinator for more information at rreef@khcpl.org or 765-438-2933