Public Records Policy
The library has the responsibility to protect its public records from loss, alteration, mutilation, unauthorized access, or destruction, and regulate any material interference with the regular discharge of the functions or duties of the library and its employees.
A request for inspection or copying of public records owned by the library must identify with reasonable particularity the record being requested; be in writing on the “Request for Access to Public Records” form provided by the library; and be submitted to the library’s Administrative Office, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Request forms can be submitted in person, by fax, mail, or email. No request may be denied because the person making the request refuses to state the purpose of the request, unless such condition is required by other applicable statute.
A patron shall be allowed access to his/her library records concerning currently checked out material and fines. In addition, a legal guardian and/or a custodial and a noncustodial parent of the child may also have access to the parents’ child’s records concerning currently checked out material and fines. The library will not allow a noncustodial parent access to the child’s library records if a court has terminated the parent’s legal rights and the library has received a copy of the court order or has actual knowledge of the court order. Adults who register a minor for a Responsible Caregiver Card are able to see the items checked out and fines owed for that particular patron. Under no circumstances will the address of the child be released to anyone.
Some records are excepted from disclosure by law. (IC 5-14-3-4) Requests to inspect or receive copies of such records will be denied unless access is ordered by a court under the rules of discovery. Additional records may be excepted from disclosure at the library’s discretion. (IC5-14-3-4(b)) and any request for those records will be determined on a case by case basis.
The library director shall respond to a request and in the absence of the library director, the assistant director. In the absence of both the library director and the assistant director, the person in charge of the library is designated. The library’s attorney may be consulted as needed.
The library shall respond to all requests within a reasonable amount of time of receipt.
Responses will be made in writing. If a request is denied, the response will include a statement of the specific exemption or exemptions authorizing the withholding of all or part of the public record.
If the request is not denied, the library shall either allow inspection or provide copies to the person as requested. Originals shall not be removed from library premises and inspection may be supervised.
The library will not charge any fee to inspect a public record; or to search for, examine, or review a record to determine whether the record shall be disclosed.
The library will furnish one copy of the public record if requested. Payment must be made upon receipt. Fees will not exceed the amounts outlined in IC 5-14-3-8(d). The library board of trustees has established the following fee schedule for copies provided by the library:
- Photocopies, letter and legal size - $.10 per page
- Photocopies, ledger size - $.20 per page
- Photocopies, color - $.25 per page
- Faxes, domestic - $1.00 per page
- Faxes, international - $2.00 per page
- Email transmission – no charge
Revised November 2020